Word For The Year 2022: TRUST


My word of the year represents what I want with God/Universe/Spirit. I am a very spiritual person and love my personal relationship with what I will call, for lack of a better word, God. God has become quite a controversial subject and my talking about my relationship with God is not designed to invite a like mind or to persuade the reader to invest in my perception. We all have unique relationships with Spirit, and I honor all difference. That being said, I do feel called to be part of the bridge that helps humans connect more spiritually and I want to be transparent about my way of perceiving as I believe it helps with conceptualization. I also want to share my perception with the freedom for all to do with that what they wish. Make it your own! Take what fits and leave the rest!

Trust is my word this year because I am called to do something that requires me to have Trust that God will provide for me.  I am pretty good at trusting my guidance, but this one has a financial component and has shown me that I have difficulty trusting God to provide. As I meditated on this issue, I became aware that my relationship with my Earthly fathers (I have two…my sperm donor and the dad who adopted me) has clouded my relationship with God. My fathers were not…. we will just leave it at that; they just were not. Therefore, I struggle to allow myself to feel supported, lovable, or worthy of being taken care of. My conditioning has been “Do what I say to avoid consequence,” versus “follow my direction for support, love, and a sense of peace.” I see that I have hope that this is true, but do not yet have faith. I am scared. I want to believe. I am invited to separate my experience with “Father” from my experience with God.  I am invited to allow God to show up differently.  And, I am invited to enter the process of healing my relationship with my father and to forgive myself for needing them. If my inner crystal ball serves me correctly, I see that I will be sharing my healing journey in this issue with my readers this year.

 The Healing Process

(As best I can articulate at this moment!)

1.     Struggle

2.     Self-blame

3.     Awareness

4.     Emotional expression

5.     Resentment – how have we stopped ourselves from progressing because we are waiting for others to take responsibility?

6.     Understanding/release judgment and expectation

7.     Acceptance

8.     Self-resentment

9.     Self-forgiveness

10.  Determine if promises need to made to self; boundaries erected; commitment to self

11.  If there is still energy left in this wound:  forgiveness of other

Two perspectives that I have found to be incredibly helpful in allowing ourselves to work through barriers of growth:

1.      All upset is an invitation to know thyself better and at deeper levels

2.     Allow ourselves to become empowered through pain rather than defeated

